The Pitch Competition

Season 14 May 29-June 1, 2025 Austin, Texas

ATX TV believes that anyone anywhere has the potential to write the next great scripted TV series! You just need the platform to let your voice be heard.

The ATX TV Pitch Competition and Program was developed to give burgeoning TV writers the community, support, and tools needed to take the next steps in their careers.

Whether you’ve been writing independently for years, or have just finished pouring your soul into your first pilot, this program is designed for those that have not quite been able to pierce the industry bubble. It is for those who have been hitting wall after wall trying to get into the right door, and also those just starting out, ready to give it their all, but have no idea where to begin.

The Pitch Competition gives you the chance to pitch your idea in front of some of TV’s greatest showrunners and executives at the annual ATX TV Festival.

The Pitch Program that follows, gives the Top Ten (10) Finalists a year of support needed to make the next steps in their careers, including:

  • Developing their project further, including getting Industry Professionals and Peer-to-Peer script feedback

  • Honing both a 4 minute “elevator” pitch and the full 12-15 minute version for studio and network executives, including visuals

  • Preparation for meetings with Executives (Generals and Pitching), Showrunners/Producers (Staffing), and Agents/Managers along with gaining real world experience.

  • Learning the (many) different protocols and structures of a Writers Room from those who have been through and led them all.

Who should Apply:

  • Anyone looking for support and community with other burgeoning TV writers.

  • Anyone who has been working in the entertainment industry for a while, but hasn’t been able to make writing a full time career.

  • Anyone with a great story to tell but feels ill prepared to enter into the industry with all of the twists and turns and roadblocks that come with it.

If any one of the above applies to you, then this is your time to take a chance on yourself! We may open the door, but it’s your ideas and talent that keep you in the room.

Important Dates

  • OCTOBER 14, 2024 - Submissions Open

  • DECEMBER 1, 2024 - Early Bird Submission Deadline*

  • JANUARY 10, 2025 - Regular Submission Deadline*

  • JANUARY 17, 2025 - Late Submission Deadline*

  • MARCH 3, 2025 - Semi-Finalists Announced

  • APRIL 14, 2025 - Finalists Announced

  • APRIL 28, 2025 - Finalists must confirm attendance for Live Pitch Competition

  • MAY 29 - JUNE 1, 2025 - Live Pitch Competition at ATX TV Festival, Season 14 (exact day/time to be announced at a later date)

*Important Note: In order to make sure each submission is properly screened by qualified individuals, ATX TV has limited the amount of submissions accepted. The above deadlines are only accurate until ATX TV has received the maximum number of qualified Entries from eligible entrants. After that the Competition shall be closed, notwithstanding the Entry Submission Period set forth above.

Each submission consists of two parts:

1) A ninety (90) second video pitching your great idea for an original scripted series. All genres welcome and encouraged – half hour or hour, comedy to drama, cable, streaming, broadcast, and any format. The only two (2) requirements are that your pitch must be for an original scripted (non-reality) series, and your video cannot exceed ninety (90) seconds. (We’re checking!)

2) The first ten (10) pages of the script for the series you are pitching. This is your chance to show that you not only have a great idea, but you have the chops to write it too!

Round 1: Open submissions! Anyone with an idea for a new scripted TV series and the first ten (10) pages of your pilot may submit. Official screeners for ATX TV Festival will screen all submissions, and select up to twenty-five (25) from our open submissions to advance to Round 2.

Round 2 (Semi-finals): The top up to twenty-five (25) submissions from Round 1 (open submissions) will join additional ten (10) chosen by our partners at The Black List for a total of up to thirty-five (35) submissions to be screened and read by our Round 2 screeners. These screeners are made up of industry professionals who work in development at our studio, network, and production company partners, or are managers or agents. The top ten (10) submissions will move on to be Finalists. 

Round 3 (Live Finals): The Live Pitch Finale! This is where the magic happens. The ten (10) Finalists will compete LIVE at ATX TV Festival Season 14 between May 29 - June 1, 2025, with four (4) full minutes to pitch their ideas. Each finalist will also be able to project accompanying visuals on the screen for the judges and audience to see. Once all Finalists have pitched, our panel of Judges (showrunners & executives) will choose a runner-up and a first place winner.

1) Have an idea for an original scripted television series? Great! You’re ready to get started!

2) Film your ninety (90) second pitch, and then upload it as an unlisted video on YouTube (See – What is an unlisted YouTube video). This can be as simple as recording yourself on your phone, or as elaborate and high production value as you want to go. It’s your call — just make sure it’s no more than ninety (90) seconds. Any submissions over ninety (90) seconds will be disqualified and submission fees are non-refundable.

3) Write the first ten (10) pages of your pilot! Remember, the script sample must match the pitch submitted. Title pages do NOT count towards your page count, and all samples must be submitted as a .PDF and titled First Name Last Name - Pitch Title.

4) Complete the submission form on Festival Pro, and submit your submission fee. There you will enter your name, pitch title, unlisted Youtube link, writing sample, and accept The Pitch Competition Terms & Conditions.

Submission fee is $45 if your pitch is submitted on or before December 1, 2024 (Early Submission Deadline), $65 if submitted between December 2 and January 10, 2025 (Regular Submission Deadline), and $85 if submitted between January 11 and January 17, 2025.

If you would like to be considered for a full or partial waiver of the Pitch Competition Submission Fee, please complete our Request Form. All waiver requests must be submitted before January 6, 2025 at 11:59 PM CT. We also offer a student discount of 15% off submission fees. Please email for more information.

5) That’s it! Well done, you did it! If you are selected for Round 2 of The Pitch Competition, you will be notified via email by March 3, 2025.

Good luck, y'all!

The Pitch Competition’s live finale will be judged by a panel of TV writers, showrunners, and executives, which will be announced closer to the festival. For reference, Finale Judges from the Season 13 Competition (2024) included:

  • Alison Mo Massey (EVP, Pacesetter Productions)

  • Ryan P. Hall (President, YMH Studios)

  • Ashley Nicole Black (Writer/Actor, A Black Lady Sketch Show)

  • Marci Wiseman (Executive Producer)


Each Semi-Finalist that is not selected to be a Finalist will be entitled to receive:

  1. One (1) GP Badge to ATX TV Festival, Season 14 (May 29 - June 1, 2025)
    1. Option to Upgrade to Camp Badge for $200
  2. One (1) Quarterly Subscription to ATX TV Membership Program
    1. Coupon to be redeemed within a year from the announcement of Semi-Finalists


Our ten (10) Finalists will pitch live at ATX TV Festival, Season 14 before a panel of industry judges (May 29 - June 1, 2025, exact day/time to be announced at a later date)! Individuals or teams will have four (4) minutes to convince judges that they have the best TV show idea in the room.

The ten (10) finalists will each receive:

  1. One (1) Camp Badge to ATX TV Festival Season 14 (May 29 - June 1, 2025)
    1. Includes invitation to a hosted Reception for Finalists
    2. Invitation to Opening Night Party (May 29, 2025)
  2. Two (2) pre-festival virtual Happy Hours, including:
    1. A Pitch Workshop
    2. Q&A with Showrunner / Executive
  3. One (1) General Meeting with ATX TV Pitch Judge

  4. A year long enrollment in ATX TV Pitch Lab program (more below)

  5. One (1) Annual Subscription to ATX TV Membership Program

  6. One (1) month of free hosting on The Black List for their script


Maximum one (1) runner-up will receive in addition to Finalist Prizes:

  1. Minimum two (2) General Meetings with ATX TV Pitch Judges or ATX TV Panelist for feedback

  2. Two (2) months of hosting on The Black List for their script

  3. One (1) script evaluation on The Black List


The first place winner of ATX TV Festival’s The Pitch Competition will receive in addition to Finalist Prizes:

  1. Script Read and General Meeting with minimum three (3) ATX TV Pitch Judges or ATX TV Panelists for feedback

  2. Pitch Mentorship with Showrunner or Executive (three (3) virtual meetings) to help hone and edit the pitch to prepare winner for meetings

  3. Three (3) General Pitch Meetings* with Studio, Network, or Production Company

  4. Three (3) months of hosting on The Black List

  5. Two (2) script evaluations on The Black List to help fine-tune their pilot script

  6. One (1) Credential to ATX TV Festival, Season 15 (2026)

*No specific studio or network is guaranteed to hear pitch.

The ATX TV Pitch Program is the year long program for the ten (10) Pitch Competition Finalists that lasts from May 2025 - May 2026, and includes:

  1. Monthly Virtual Gatherings with Special Guests (showrunners, executives, manager, agents, etc). These are moderated conversations that give all finalists an open forum to ask any questions about the industry or guest’s career.

  2. Script Feedback from ATX TV Staff, fellow Finalists and Industry Members.

  3. Workshops to hone your 4 minute pitch and create your 12-15 minute pitch, including practice sessions and feedback with industry professionals, ie. “mock pitches.”

  4. Preparation and practice meetings with Showrunners, Executives, Manager & Agents in preparation for General and Staffing Meetings.

  5. Writers Room 101 Workshop with showrunner and staff writer(s) discussing various protocols in the writers room, including staffing levels, the overall do’s and don’ts (that can vary greatly from room to room).

These Terms and Conditions (these “Terms”) apply to any individual (hereinafter, “you” or “your”) who wishes to submit an entry to The Pitch Competition (the “Competition”) at ATX TV Festival, Season 14 (also known as the 2025 ATX TV Festival) (the “Festival”). You understand that these Terms are a legally binding contract that governs your entry and participation in the Competition. PLEASE READ THESE TERMS CAREFULLY, AS THEY MAY IMPACT YOUR LEGAL RIGHTS IN THE EVENT OF A DISPUTE BETWEEN US. SPECIFICALLY, PLEASE REFER TO PARAGRAPH 12 BELOW, WHICH REQUIRES THAT CERTAIN DISPUTES BE SETTLED THROUGH MANDATORY BINDING ARBITRATION WHICH WILL PRECLUDE YOU FROM LEADING OR PARTICIPATING IN A CLASS ACTION.

1. COMPETITION SPONSOR AND WEBSITE: The sponsor of the Competition is ATX TV, with a registered address of 11912 Cimaizon Drive, Austin, TX 78725 (“Sponsor”). The url for the Competition website is (“Website”).

2. COMPETITION TIMING: The entry submission period for eligible entrants to the Competition begins October 14, 2024 at 09:00:00 a.m. CT and ends on January 17, 2025 at 11:59:59 p.m. CT (“Entry Submission Period”). ALL ENTRIES MUST BE RECEIVED BY JANUARY 17, 2025 AT 11:59:59 p.m. CT. Sponsor’s computer is the official time-keeping device for the Competition. Unless otherwise indicated, all times in these Terms are expressed in Central Time (CT).

3. ELIGIBILITY: The Competition is open only to individuals who at the time of entry are legal residents of one of the fifty United States or the District of Columbia and who have reached the age of majority in their state at the time of entry . Persons in any of the following categories are NOT eligible to participate: any person who, at any time on or after October 1, 2013, was or is a director, officer, employee of Sponsor or its parents, subsidiaries, divisions, or affiliated companies, dealers, or service agencies, independent contractors, partners, representatives, web hosting or service or fulfillment providers, including, without limitation, sponsors, Competition judges (collectively, the “Competition Entities”) and their immediate family (defined as spouse, parents and step-parents, siblings and step-siblings, and children and step-children or dependent or spouse of any of the foregoing) and household members (people who share the same residence at least three (3) months out of the year), or any person who was a previous grand prize winner of the Competition. Persons who are under contract with any person or entities that would prohibit them from submitting an entry, participating in any activity and/or granting the rights set forth herein in connection with their entry and/or entering into an agreement with Sponsor without additional compensation are also not eligible to enter or win. The Competition is subject to all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations. Void in Puerto Rico and all other U.S. and foreign territories and possessions, and wherever else prohibited or restricted by law. Sponsor’s decisions are final and binding in all matters related to the Competition. Winning a prize shall be based on skill and contingent upon fulfilling all requirements set forth herein. The Competition will be limited to a maximum of five hundred (500) qualified Entries (as defined below) from eligible entrants. This means that, upon Sponsor receiving an amount equal to five hundred (500) of qualified Entries from eligible entrants, the Competition shall be closed to new Entries, notwithstanding the Entry Submission Period set forth above.


  1. Entry to the Competition requires payment to Sponsor of an entry fee as follows (as applicable, the “Entry Fee”):

    1. During the period between October 14, 2024 at 09:00:00 a.m. CT and December 1, 2024 at 11:59:59 p.m. CT (the “Early Bird Submission Period”), the Entry Fee shall be FORTY FIVE DOLLARS (US$45.00); and

    2. During the period between December 2, 2024 at 12:00:00 a.m. CT and January 10, 2025 at 11:59:59 p.m. CT (the “Regular Submission Period”), the Entry Fee shall be SIXTY FIVE DOLLARS (US$65.00); and

    3. During the period between January 11, 2025 at 12:00:00 a.m. CT and January 17, 2025 at 11:59:59 p.m. CT (the “Late Submission Period”), the Entry Fee shall be EIGHTY FIVE DOLLARS (US$85.00).

  2. In addition to the Entry Fee, entry to the Competition requires submission of the following: (i) a completed application form for the Competition (the “Completed Form”), (ii) a video, no longer than ninety (90) seconds in length, describing your original pitch for a scripted (non-reality) television series (the “Video Pitch”), and (c) a ten (10) page script sample from the series being pitched as part of the Pitch (the “Script Sample”), in each case, pursuant to and as further described in these Terms and the detailed instructions set forth on the Website.

  3. Successful submission by an eligible entrant of the Entry Fee, the Completed Form, the Video Pitch and the Script Sample pursuant to Sponsor’s instructions shall constitute such entrant’s “Entry” to the Competition. The Script Sample must be an original piece of writing by the Entrant.

  4. Any form of entry other than that described herein is void. Sponsor is not responsible for lost, late, incomplete, invalid, unintelligible, or misdirected registrations or entries, which will be disqualified.

  5. There will be three rounds (each, a “Round”) of evaluation based on the Judging Criteria for the selection of Semi-Finalists, Finalists, Runners-Up and Grand Prize Winner. Selection of the Grand Prize Winner from among the Finalists shall take place during the Festival, which takes place in Austin, Texas from May 29 – June 1, 2025. Each Finalist will make a verbal presentation of his/her/their Pitch, not to exceed four (4) minutes (the “Live Pitch”).

  6. Entries may be submitted by individuals or by groups (each, an “Entrant”). A group may have no more than three individual participants. An individual may join more than one group. There is no limit to the number of Entries that a person may submit during the Entry Submission Period, but each Entry must be separate and distinct from any other Entry submitted by that Entrant, and each Entry shall require the payment of an additional Entry Fee (i.e., submitting three Entries during the Regular Submission Period would require a payment of the applicable Entry Fee of US$65.00, for a total payment of US$195.00). If an Entrant submits more than one Entry, only one of Entrant’s Entries can advance to the next round of the Competition. An individual who enters as part of a group may also submit one or more individual Entries. Each Entry will be deemed to have been submitted by the authorized account holder of the email address from which the Entry was sent. An email account holder shall mean the natural person assigned to such email account by the Internet access provider, online service provider or other organization responsible for assigning email addresses for the domain associated with such email account.

  7. If submitting as part of a group, each group shall appoint one individual (the “Representative”) to represent and act, including submitting the Entry, on behalf of such group. The Representative must meet the eligibility requirements for an individual Entrant and must be authorized to submit on behalf of the group. The Representative represents and warrants that he/she/they is authorized to act on behalf of the group; and that each member of the group agrees to abide by these Terms. In the event of a dispute, the Representative will be deemed to be the authorized account holder of the email address from which the Entry was sent. In the event an Entry submitted by a group is selected as a Semi-Finalist, Finalist, Runner-Up, or Grand Prize Winner, (i) each individual in the group must be an active participant in the Pitch AND credited as a co-writer/creators of the series, and (ii) each individual (satisfying the winner notification, verification, and documentation conditions set forth in these Terms) shall receive the applicable prize.


  1. The Script Sample component of the Entry must be an original piece of writing by the Entrant that is ten (10) typed pages (not counting the title page), in English, and submitted as a .pdf file via the Website.

  2. The Video Pitch component of the Entry must be no longer than ninety (90) seconds, be presented (primarily) in English, and be submitted (via digital upload) pursuant to the instructions provided on the Website.

  3. The Entry must include the applicable Entry Fee (i.e., $US45.00 for an Entry submitted during the Early Bird Submission Period, $US65.00 for an Entry submitted during the Regular Submission Period), and $US85.00 for an Entry submitted during the Late Submission Period).

  4. No component of the Entry may contain material that violates or infringes another person or entity’s rights, including but not limited to privacy, publicity or intellectual property rights, including trademark, copyright infringement, or legal or moral rights of any third party, living or deceased (e.g., names, logos, symbols, slogans, quotes from other people, or parodies of other people).

  5. The Entry and Live Pitch must not disparage Sponsor, any Competition Entity, or any other person or party associated with the administration of this Competition.

  6. The Entry and Live Pitch must not contain material that Sponsor deems in its sole discretion to be indecent, lewd, pornographic, obscene, hateful, tortious, defamatory, slanderous or libelous; or that Sponsor deems to promote bigotry, racism, activities that are unsafe, hatred or harm against any group or individual, or discrimination based on race, gender, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation or age.

Sponsor reserves the right, in its sole discretion, (i) to disregard minor deviations from the guidelines in otherwise compliant Entries; and/or (ii) to obscure, remove, blur, or otherwise edit such elements; or to ask the applicable Entrant to obscure, remove, blur, or edit such elements in otherwise compliant Entries, and to consider any such edited Entries as eligible for the Competition.


  1. Judges. For each Round, a panel of 3 – 6 (or more) people selected by Sponsor (“Judges”) will evaluate the eligible Entries for the Round and will select the Entries to advance to the next Round. The Judges will consist of television industry writers, showrunners, executives, and other current and former industry professionals, including those educated in the field of Radio-TV-Film.

  2. Judging Criteria. For each Round, the Judges will assign Entries a score ranging from a low of one (1) point to a high of five (5) points for each of the following skill-based criteria (“Judging Criteria”):
    1. Description of characters:
      1. The protagonist(s) is clearly identifiable.

      2. The relationships between the characters or the character's "want" is intriguing and/or relevant to the story.

    2. Concept/Tone:
      1. The concept (plot) of the series is clearly communicated.

      2. The tone (or genre) of the series is clearly identifiable.

    3. Story Relevance:
      1. The pitcher stated a clear connection to the story (why they should be the one to tell it).

      2. There is a clear reason why the story is relevant today.

    4. Series Potential:
      1. This series has strong episodic potential.

      2. There is an audience for this series.

      3. This is an original story idea.

    5. Clarity and Conciseness of Pitch
    6. Script Sample (Round 2)
      1. Does the script sample provided enhance the Pitch’s episodic potential? (i.e. Does the writing bring clarity to and/or reinforce the story’s world, characters, concept, and tone?)

      2. Does the script sample provided showcase the Entrant’s ability to write the story being pitched?

        In the event of a tie for a Semi-Finalist, Finalist, Runner-Up, or Grand Prize Winner, the potential winner as between any Entrants will be the Entry with the higher score for criteria one – Series Potential. Thereafter, if a tie still remains among any Entries, the potential winner will be selected based on the highest score for the subsequent criteria until the potential winner is determined – with the subsequent order of tie-breaking criteria to be as follows: criteria two-Description of the characters; then criteria three-Concept/Tone, then criteria four-Relevance, criteria five-Clarity and Conciseness of Script, and then criteria six-Script Sample.

  3. Evaluation Rounds
    1. Round One. Open Submissions. Selection of Semi-Finalists. Each eligible Entry submitted during the Entry Submission Period shall be evaluated by the Judges using the Judging Criteria, and on or about March 3, 2025, the Judges will select a minimum of twenty-five (25) Entries (“Open Submission Selectees”) to advance to the Semi-Finals Round of the Competition.

    2. Round Two. Selection of Finalists. Using the Judging Criteria, on or about April 14, 2025, the Judges will select ten (10) Potential Finalists from the pool of maximum thirty-five (35) Semi-Finalists. The pool from which the Judges shall select the Potential Finalists consists of the Open Submissions Selectees from Round One, as well as maximum ten (10) entries selected through The Black List Competition. To become a Finalist, the Potential Finalist must confirm attendance at the Festival and return other Finalist Documents no later than 11:59:59 p.m. CT on April 28, 2025. Sponsor reserves the right, but is not obligated, to invite a Semi-Finalist(s) to replace any Finalist(s) who is/are unable or unwilling to attend the Festival or who does not confirm by the stated deadline.

    3. Round Three. Selection of Grand Prize Winner and Runner-Ups. Selection of the Grand Prize Winner will take place during the Festival from May 29 – June 1, 2025, in Austin, Texas. Finalists will be invited to the Festival to present their Live Pitch in front of the Judges and a live audience. Using the Judging Criteria, the Judges will evaluate the Entries and Live Pitch of the Finalists, and select one (1) Grand Prize Winner, and one (1) Runner-Up.

  4. Winner Lists. Each Semi-Finalist, Finalist, and Grand Prize Winner may be called a “Winner.” Winners’ names will be listed on the Website as follows: Semi-Finalists on or about March 3, 2025; Finalists on or about April 14, 2025; and the Grand-Prize Winner and Runners-Up on or about June 1, 2025.

  5. Winner Notification, Verification, and Documentation. Sponsor will notify each potential Winner using the contact information included as part of the potential Winner’s Entry. Potential Winners must continue to comply with all provisions of these Terms, and award of a prize is contingent upon fulfilling all requirements. Sponsor reserves the right to ask each Potential Semi-Finalist and Potential Finalist to present proof of eligibility and satisfy other conditions provided in these Terms to be declared a Finalist, Grand Prize Winner, or Runner-Up and to be awarded a prize. Potential Semi-Finalists and Potential Finalists must execute and deliver to Sponsor requested documents via e-mail within five (5) calendar days following an attempted notification. Such documents may include: (i) affidavits confirming eligibility and compliance with these Terms, (ii) liability releases, (iii) publicity releases (where permitted), (iv) license in which the Entrant warrants that the Entrant is the owner of the Entry (and all the intellectual property rights in therein), and (v) such other documents and personal information as may be reasonably requested by Sponsor. Failure to execute and deliver any required documents to Sponsor by the specified deadline may result in disqualification from the Competition, forfeit of the prize, and selection of an alternate potential winner. Sponsor is not responsible for suspended or discontinued Internet or wireless phone service that may result in a potential Winner or alternate not receiving a notification. A Potential Winner’s non-receipt of a message from Sponsor for any reason shall not impose any liability on Sponsor.

7. PRIZES: Prizes are non-transferable. No cash equivalent for the prizes will be offered and no other substitution or transfer of prizes shall be permitted, except at Sponsor’s sole discretion. Sponsor reserves the right to substitute prizes of equal or greater value, at its sole discretion. Winners are responsible for all taxes and fees associated with prize receipt and/or use. Prizes do not include travel, transportation, accommodations or related costs. All prize details will be determined by Sponsor in its sole discretion and will be final and binding on all Entrants. Prizes are awarded “as is” with no warranty or guarantee, either express or implied. Sponsor is responsible only for prize delivery and is not responsible for prize utility, quality or otherwise.

Semi-Finalists (maximum 35): Each Semi-Finalist that is not selected to be a Finalist will be entitled to receive the following, pursuant to guidelines and instructions to be provided by Sponsor:

  • One (1) General Programming Festival Badge to the Festival
    • Option to Upgrade to Camp Badge for a payment of US$200

  • One (1) Quarterly ATX TV Membership Subscription
    • Coupon to be redeemed within a year from the announcement of Semi-Finalists

(Total Approximate Retail Value (ARV) of each Semi-Finalist Award Package is US$360.)

Finalists (10): The ten (10) finalists will each receive the following, pursuant to guidelines and instructions to be provided by Sponsor:

  • One (1) Camp Badge in the Finalist’s name to the Festival, one (1) ticket to the Festival Opening Night screening and after-party, and one (1) invitation to Finalists Reception

  • Invitation to two (2) pre-festival virtual Happy Hours, including (i) the Art of the Pitch Workshop and (ii) a Q&A session with a showrunner and/or executive.

  • One (1) general advisory meeting or phone call with a minimum of one (1) or more of the official Pitch Judges or ATX TV Panelist, lasting a minimum of thirty (30) minutes.

  • A minimum of six (6) virtual Happy Hours of approximately 1-2 hours with special guests selected by Sponsor that may including television executives, showrunners and agents

  • One (1) Annual Subscription to ATX TV Membership Program

  • One (1) month of free hosting on The Black List for their script

(Total Approximate Retail Value (ARV) of each Finalist Award Package is US$675.)

Runners-Up Winners (2): Up to two (2) runners-up will each receive the following, pursuant to guidelines and instructions to be provided by Sponsor:

  • Minimum of two (2) general advisory meeting or phone call with one (1) or more official Pitch Judges, ATX TV Panelists or Alums

  • Two (2) months of hosting on The Black List for their script

  • One (1) script evaluation on The Black List

(Total ARV of each Runners-Up Prize Award Package is US$805. Runners-Up will also have received the Semi-Finalists and Finalists Award Packages.)

Grand Prize Winner (1): One (1) grand prize winner of ATX TV Festival’s The Pitch Competition will receive the following, pursuant to guidelines and instructions to be provided by Sponsor:

  • Script Read and General Meeting with minimum of two (2) ATX TV Pitch Judges for feedback

  • Pitch Mentorship with Showrunner or Executive (three virtual meetings) to help hone and edit the pitch to prepare winner for meetings.

  • Three (3) General Pitch Meetings* with Studio, Network, or Production Company

  • Three (3) months of hosting on The Black List

  • Two (2) script evaluations on The Black List to help fine-tune their pilot script

  • One (1) Credential to ATX TV Festival, Season 15 (2026)

*No specific studio or network is guaranteed to hear pitch.

(Total ARV of Grand Prize Winner Award Package is US$1470. Grand Prize Winner will also have received the Semi-Finalists and Finalists Award Packages.)

Nothing set forth herein shall be construed to require Sponsor to produce the Festival or any subsequent festival or event at any particular time, or at all. If, for any reason, the Festival does not occur, Sponsor may substitute the Festival component of the prize with a prize or experience of similar quality and/or cash equivalent. Some prizes to be awarded have no cash equivalent.

As set forth in Section 6(c)(ii), a maximum of ten (10) entries from the Black List will be evaluated in Round Two of the Competition to compete for advancement to Round Three. Any Entrant in the Competition may also enter the Black List Programs.

8. NAME AND LIKENESS RIGHTS: Except where prohibited by law, participation in the Competition constitutes each Entrant’s consent to Sponsor’s and its designees’ use of such Entrant’s names, likenesses, photographs, and/or personal information for promotional purposes in any media, worldwide, without further payment or consideration.


By submitting an Entry, each Entrant represents, warrants and covenants as follows:

  • Entrant is the exclusive owner and sole author of the Entry (including the Script Sample and Video Pitch) and all components thereof are Entrant’s original creative work (and/or the Entrant has obtained prior written authorization to act on behalf of any co-creators) and the Entrant’s submission thereof does not and will not infringe, misappropriate, or violate the copyrights, trademarks, rights of privacy, publicity or other intellectual property rights or other rights of any person or entity.

  • Acceptance of the Terms and participation in the Competition, including submission of the Entry, will not conflict with or violate any term or condition of any other agreement to which Entrant is a party, including but not limited to any union or guild regulation.

  • The Pitch is not based on any pre-existing intellectual property and is not substantially similar to a pitch Entrant has previously presented to a network or other industry professional.

  • There are no threatened, pending, or current claims, actions, or lawsuits in connection with the Entry, and Entrant agrees to notify Sponsor immediately upon Entrant’s notification of any such claims, actions, or lawsuits.

  • No component of the Entry has been previously published, produced, sold, licensed or optioned by or to anyone, at any time.

  • No component of the Entry has won previous awards.

  • Entrant is submitting the Entry voluntarily on a non-confidential basis.

  • Publication or other use by Sponsor of the Entry via various media including web posting will not infringe on the rights of any third party.

  • Entrant shall comply with any and all other rules, policies and procedures of Sponsor, including, without limitation, the ATX TV Policies (including, without limitation, the ATX TV Code of Conduct set forth therein), the ATX TV Privacy Policy and the ATX TV Terms of Use.

10. INDEMNITY: You agree to indemnify, defend and hold Sponsor and the other Competition Entities, and each of their respective directors, officers, employees, contractors, representatives, agents, partners, insurers, licensors, licensees, successors and assigns harmless from and against any and all claims, demands, suits, actions, liabilities, damages, costs or expenses (including legal fees and court and administrative costs) of any kind whatsoever that you and/or your assignees, heirs, guardians, legal representatives or anyone on your behalf may now or hereafter have arising out of or in connection with (a) the Competition or the Entrant’s participation therein, (b) Entrant’s violation or breach, or alleged violation or breach, of these Terms, including, without limitation, any and all representations, warranties, terms, conditions, covenants, acknowledgments and agreements herein, or (c) the use, in whole or in part, by any Competition Entity of any Entry (or portion thereof) submitted by you in the Competition.

11. USE OF DATA: Sponsor will collect and use entrants’ personal information in accordance with the terms set forth in the ATX TV Privacy Policy. By participating in the Sweepstakes, each entrant agrees to Sponsor’s collection and use of their personal information and acknowledges that they have read and accepted the ATX TV Privacy Policy.

12. CHOICE OF LAW; DISPUTE RESOLUTION: These Terms shall be deemed to have been entered into and shall be construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas as applied to contracts made and to be performed entirely within Texas, without giving effect to the state’s conflicts of law statute. Any controversy, dispute or claim arising out of or related to these Terms, the Competition or your participation therein, shall be resolved exclusively through final and binding arbitration as described in this section. This agreement to arbitrate is intended to be interpreted broadly. It includes, but is not limited to, all claims and disputes relating to the Competition. YOU AGREE THAT BY ENTERING INTO THIS AGREEMENT, YOU AND SPONSOR ARE EACH WAIVING THE RIGHT TO TRIAL BY JURY OR TO PARTICIPATE IN A CLASS ACTION. YOU AND SPONSOR AGREE THAT EACH MAY BRING CLAIMS AGAINST THE OTHER ONLY IN YOUR OR ITS INDIVIDUAL CAPACITY, AND NOT AS A PLAINTIFF OR CLASS MEMBER IN ANY PURPORTED CLASS OR REPRESENTATIVE PROCEEDING. ANY ARBITRATION WILL TAKE PLACE ON AN INDIVIDUAL BASIS; CLASS ARBITRATIONS AND CLASS ACTIONS ARE NOT PERMITTED. The arbitration will be conducted by JAMS in accordance with its then-current Streamlined Arbitration Rules and Procedures (“JAMS Rules”) and will be held in Austin, Texas. The arbitration will be conducted by one neutral arbitrator chosen by the parties. If the parties cannot agree upon an arbitrator, they shall submit to the procedure used by JAMS to choose an arbitrator. The current rules may be found on the Internet at: This arbitration agreement is made pursuant to a transaction involving interstate commerce, and shall be governed by the Federal Arbitration Act (“FAA”), 9 U.S.C. §§116. The arbitrator shall apply California law, as described in Section 24 (Applicable Laws), consistent with the FAA and applicable statutes of limitations, and shall honor claims of privilege recognized at law. Notwithstanding anything herein or in the JAMS Rules to the contrary, the arbitrator shall not have the power to award punitive damages against you or Sponsor. The arbitrator’s ruling is binding and may be entered as a judgment in any court of competent jurisdiction. In the event this agreement to arbitrate is held unenforceable by a court, then the disputes that would otherwise have been arbitrated shall be exclusively brought in the state or federal courts located in Travis County, Texas. Each party to any arbitration shall bear its own costs, including attorney’s fees. Failure to appear at any arbitration hearing entitles the arbitrator to proceed ex parte.

13. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS: Each Entrant retains ownership of such Entrant’s Entry. Sponsor claims no ownership rights in any Entry other than the non-exclusive licenses and permissions necessary to evaluate and judge the Entries for participation in the Competition as set forth in these Terms. By accepting Entries, Sponsor in no way grants Entrants any additional rights therein or otherwise expands the scope of rights under applicable copyright laws. Entrants are solely responsible for protecting their rights in their Entries, including without limitation, for filing or registering any components of the Entry with the Writers Guild of America and/or the United States Copyright Office. Entrant acknowledges and agrees that Sponsor and/or any participating independent judges may independently access or develop creative concepts and/or works which resemble the Entry or incorporate similar concepts, themes, formats, plot lines and characters to those in the Entry and that Entrant is not entitled to any compensation and has no rights of any kind in connection therewith. Entrant acknowledges and agrees that: (a) Sponsor, and Competition Entities may have access to and/or may create literary, film, tape and/or other materials, ideas and concepts which may be similar or identical to Entrant’s Entry, ideas, and/or concepts; (b) Entrant will not be entitled to any compensation or other consideration because of the use by Sponsor, Competition Entities or any other Competition participant of such similar or identical material, ideas and/or concepts; and (c) Sponsor’s, Competition Entities’ or other participant’s use of material containing elements similar to or identical with those contained in Entrant’s Entry shall not obligate Sponsor to negotiate with nor entitle Entrant to any compensation or other claim.

14. DISQUALIFICATION: Any person may be disqualified from the Competition (including, but not limited to, terminating the person’s participation in the Live Pitch, cancelling the Runners-Up or Grand Prize Winner’s meetings, and terminating other applicable experiences early, in whole or in part) if Sponsor in its sole discretion determines that person has done any of the following: failed to satisfy the requirements for eligibility; provided Sponsor with untruthful, inaccurate, or misleading information; used robotic, macro, automatic, programmed or like methods to enter the Competition; violated any provision of these Terms or any other rules, policies and procedures of Sponsor, including, without limitation, the ATX TV Policies (including, without limitation, the ATX TV Code of Conduct set forth therein), the ATX TV Privacy Policy and the ATX TV Terms of Use; abused, tampered, or interfered in any manner with the Competition or the Website; acted in an unreasonable, non-sportsmanlike way; acted in any manner to annoy, abuse, threaten or harass Sponsor or any other person; given or agreed to give anything of value to any person associated in any manner with Sponsor or its agents to advance in the Competition or win any prize; or accepted or agreed to accept anything of value from any person to promote any product, service, or venture during the course of the Competition.

15. RIGHT TO CANCEL OR MODIFY: Sponsor reserves the right in its sole discretion to modify these Terms or to cancel, terminate, modify, or suspend the Competition for any reason or for no reason in its sole discretion. Possible reasons include but are not limited to ineligibility of Entrants, infection by computer virus, bugs, tampering, unauthorized intervention, fraud, technical failures, or any other causes which, in the sole discretion of Sponsor, corrupt or affect the administration, security, fairness, integrity, or proper conduct of the Competition. If Sponsor decides to reconvene the Competition after a suspension, the determination of Winner(s) will be made from among all eligible, valid, non-suspect Entrants, in the sole discretion of Sponsor. In the event that any legal or regulatory authority challenges the Competition, Sponsor reserves the right to discontinue or modify the Competition, or to disqualify Entrants residing in the affected geographic areas, and in such event, Sponsor shall have no liability to any Entrants who are disqualified due to such an action other than refund of the Entry Fee.

16. RELEASE; LIMITATION OF LIABILITY; AND INDEMNIFICATION: By participating in the Competition and submitting an Entry, each Entrant (a) agrees to be bound by these Terms and the decisions of the Sponsor, which are binding and final in all matters relating to the Competition; (b) waives any and all claims against Sponsor, and all other Competition Entries for any injury, damage or loss that may occur, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, from (i) participation in the Competition; (ii) printing errors or any errors made in the advertisement of the Competition; (iii) lost, late, illegible, incomplete, misdirected, damaged, destroyed or mutilated Entries or for errors, omissions, interruptions, deletions, defects, delays in operations or transmissions, theft, destruction, unauthorized access to or alterations of entry materials or failures in transmission of Entries; (iv) errors in the administration of the Competition or the processing of Entries; or (v) any electronic traffic congestion, or any lost, interrupted, or unavailable connections with server, network, Internet service provider, or telephone; and (c) indemnifies and holds harmless the Sponsor and Competition Entities from any and all claims, damages, expenses, costs (including reasonable attorneys’ fees) and liabilities (including settlements), brought or asserted by any third party against Sponsor or other Competition Entities due to or arising out of Entrant’s Entry, or Entrant’s conduct in creating a Entry or otherwise in connection with this Competition, including but not limited to: claims for trademark infringement; copyright infringement; violation of an individual’s right of publicity or right of privacy; or defamation, threatened or actual injury, loss, or damage to any person, including death and disability; and damage to or loss of property, arising out of such Entrant’s participation in the Competition or receipt or use or misuse of any prize. Entrants further agree that in any cause of action, Sponsor and the Competition Entities aggregate liability will be limited to the cost of entering and participating in the Competition, and in no event shall the Competition Entities be liable for attorneys’ fees. Entrants waive the right to claim any damages whatsoever, including, but not limited to, punitive, consequential, direct, or indirect damages. Sponsor’s failure to enforce any provision of the Terms shall not constitute a waiver of that provision.

Thank you to our Partners!